Sunday 9 November 2008

Tiffin Or Not Tiffin, That Is The Question...

We've had a very lazy weekend which has been really fun. My little sister has been staying with us because mom and dad are away on their cruise and we've watched films, drunk coffee and generally slobbed about. Last night we got fireworks and Mr & Mrs P came over for our party. It was torrential rain so we sent Mat out to light the very tame selection we got (whizzes but no bangs, on P's request), and we all stood in the carport undercover and watched them from inside! We all had a sparkler each, nearly collapsed from the smoke they created but had fun, and P loved the rockets we got even though they did bang! I cooked chicken and bacon pasta bake and made THE best tiffin which got half demolished before we all felt sick and had to give in!

Here's the recipe. I'll definitely be making it again! It's ugly but yummy and SO moreish!

Tiffin (Chocolate Fridge Cake) Serves 10

28cm cake tin or non-stick 30cm x 20cm baking tin
55g shelled almon
45g blanched hazelnuts
70g candied peel, chopped

80g glacé cherries, chopped

80g sultanas

2 large oranges, finely zested

225g plain Hobnobs

Walnut or sunfl
ower oil, for greasing the tray
150g good dark chocolate

4 tbsp golden syrup

170g unsalted butter

Preheat the oven
to 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4. Place the almonds in the bowl. Cover with boiling water and leave for a few minutes. Drain the almonds and pop them out of their skins, then pat dry and place on a small baking tray with the hazelnuts. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes or until lightly coloured. Shake halfway through cooking. Halve the hazelnuts and cut the almonds into similar-sized chunks.

Place the nuts in a mixing bowl with the candied pe
el, cherries, sultanas and orange zest. Then, using a rolling pin, roughly crush the biscuits into little chunks and mix into the fruit and nuts.

Lightly oil the cake tin or tray. Break the chocolate into chunks and place in a saucepan with the golden syrup and butter. Set over a low heat and stir occasionally until the ingredients have melted. Remove from the heat and stir in the biscuits, dried fruit and nuts. Mix thoroughly and transfer into the oiled tin. Pat down and chill for two hours until firm, then cut into slices. If the cake is in a rectangular tray, remove carefully using a palatte knife.


The knitted cat is complete! I spent this morning knitting and stuffing and I'm SO chuffed with the result, it's so easy to make and P loves it! I see more on the horizon.

Rob's been a guest presenter on QVC this week and is doing a night slot tonight. It's really exciting to see him on TV as I usually watch him on the internet since I downgraded my cable package. He's selling Xmas toys, and seems very enthusiastic about remote controlled helicopters...

I finally finished my scarflette/neckwarmer. It's a Christmas present for Jo so if you're reading this, you've spoiled your surprise! I'm really pleased with it as it's not knitted to a pattern and I had the perfect grey button to finish it off! The pic is rubbish, but you get the idea. Perfect under a winter coat to keep her neck warm!

N x

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